Your data is important to us and its affiliated companies and employees do not access any data uploaded to our system, including student data, unless directed by the customer who uploaded the data, and then only for the purpose of providing technical support. and its affiliated companies and employees do not share, sell or otherwise distribute customer data and customer uploaded data (including student information) with any third party. Access to the system is provided only with a valid combination of Username and Password. Users can choose to close their account at anytime, and delete all content from their account. The information will be immediately deleted and permanently removed from the online databases. databases are backed up on a regular basis as a part of the system’s disaster recovery protocols. These backups are recycled every 7 days and are overwritten. If an account is deleted, the content may exist as a part of an overall system backup for up to 7 days after which it is overwritten. Backups of the system can only be used for disaster recovery and are accessible only by the system administrator

Changes to our Data Usage Policy

If we decide to make changes our Data Usage Policy, we will post those changes on this page, and/or update the Data Usage Policy modification date below.

This policy was last modified on 08 July 2017

Contact Us

If there are any questions regarding this Data Usage Policy you may contact us using the information below.

Contact Form:
